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All Cleaning related services at the University are currently outsourced to various service providers. The University has a team of staff that manages the various contractors in order to ensure the highest standards possible.

This includes only the internal cleaning and excludes gardens and grounds, which is managed by the Universities Horticulture Department.

  • Cleaning complaints can be logged via the intranet under the online forms and tools section.
  • Special cleaning requests can be logged via the intranet under online forms and tools section and the appropriate block should be ticked. This includes services such as:
    • Pest Control Services
    • Carpet Cleaning
    • Specialised cleaning – spills or water damage

The above requests can only be attended to if the official online form is completed, certain jobs will require a quotation first and the department must provide a cost centre and account number for the payment.

The collection of all waste is currently an outsourced service.

The University currently has separate paper recycling collection points on each campus.

All of the University campuses are designated where possible glass free areas – where there is any glass a separate glass bin is allocated.